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The Pragmatics Association of Nigerian (PrAN) promotes principled approaches and avenue for the continuous discussion and review of the field of pragmatics as well as other areas of applied language studies.
Use the links below to view member types, eligibility, benefits, dues etc.
Our Application Form
Choose Your Membership Type
Membership of PrAN spreads across different individuals and groups of professionals and students whose interests lie in pragmatics and related disciplines.
Professional Members
Associate Members
Membership is open to scholars or anyone who are/is interested in the Pragmatics Association of Nigerian (PrAN). Such individuals, upon paying membership fees, become active members and are entitled to all membership benefits. Membership is for only one calendar year, and renewed every year by application and payment of membership fees.
Fill the Form
Pay the Fee
Full/Professional Members
All academics and scholars, independent researchers, professionals and private individuals who are interested in the activities of the Pragmatics Association of Nigerian (PrAN).
10, 000 Naira ($30 USD)
Application form inclusive
Associate Members
Students from recognised institutions of learning in any part of the world. Evidence of studentship is required for this category.
2, 500 Naira ($10 USD)
Application form inclusive
Membership Benefits
Ability to seek elective positions and vote in NPrA elections.
Access to Research in Pragmatics, the online international Journal of NPrA.
Opportunity to participate in all NPrA activities, such as workshops, seminars, roundtables and summer meetings.
And Lots More
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